Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesday's Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger Hunt (without our old and dear friends Google and Wiki)

1. The creator of the love bug virus was a 24yo computer student who claims he accidentally released the computer virus to the world and he meant no harm as it was meant for a project.

2. John Vaaler a Norwegian inventor patented the idea in Germany in 1899 and in America in 1901 however it was an American company which designed the paper clip which we all know today.

3. The Ebola virus gets its name from a small river with the same name where the virus first broke out.

4. The largest ever earthquake was recorded in Chile in 1960 at a whopping 9.5 on the richter scale

5. one terabyte is 1073741824 kilobytes

6. The invention of email cannot be pinned down to one exact date because it has
been under constant development since the inception of APRANET it was finally released to the public around 1990

7. The NRI kingdom was unique because it was at the forefront of the copper age in
Africa at around 10AD long before other African cultures.

8. The most efficient way to contact the prime minister of Australia is to contact
either his parliament house contact on Tel: (02) 6277 7700 or his Sydney office on
Tel: (02) 8226 8400 he also has a contact phone nuber at the bennelong office in Sydney
02 9816 1300

9. Stephen Stockwell is a member of the Brisbane punk band the Black Assassins

10.Web 2.0 is the eventual complete move on to the web web 1.0 it shall be called was when companies moved online web 2.0 is where companies are being developed online and that is there sole platform a perfect example is the obsolescence of encyclopedia websites for Google and wikipedia a completely online resource we as people are using web based companies to buy things for our web another example is 2nd life where people are moving and living in an online arena.

A further look at how search engines work are that they look at how many times your search terms come up on a website and Google's unique way is to then rank those in how important those sites are by the number of times that site has been reffered to or linked to by another site thus giving a page credibility and popularity. This popularity of a website in the search terms comes from the author and the institution they have written or published for on the internet. Universities hold a lot more credibility than hobby clubs or personal websites. but then if its a hobby or personal information you are after these are sometimes preferable. I am a Googler through and through although i got on the bandwagon late about 2004 i have never searched with anything else . I do however understand that there are other ways to search out there and they can be useful, I am always aware of who has authored the website I am looking at.

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